Saturday, April 9, 2016

Almost Embarrassing FOs

But let's face it, any FO (finished object) is a good thing.

Item one for consideration is a cowl.  It has sat in my "to be worked upon/finished/something" cupboard for probably a year at least.  I'd run out of yarn (having used some yarn leftover from another project) while binding off the stitches.  I joked about this to Karen, saying I should just bind off those stitches with some of the leftover chartreuse yarn from my socks.  She replied, "Of course!" and reminded me all about the whole wabi-sabi thing.  So there, my cowl waited for a year because there were 26 stitches left unbound.  26 stitches.  Really.

Item two for consideration ups the ante for embarrassment.  This tank top, made with unspun yarn bought in Rhinebeck at least 16 or more years ago and made around that time, only needed to have the back of the straps sewn on and a few ends woven in.  I think I was ambivalent about it at the time; however, I've tried it on, and it totally works.  I may dye it, but hey - it's finished!

There's a sweater, in that cupboard, that is all sewn together except for one side.  It only needs that and a few ends woven in.  Maybe that'll happen today.  Maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. The chartreuse rocks!! Way to go for channelling your inner wabi sabiness. (new phrase for consideration to the OED)
